Our Teaching Work:

Courses in Diplomatic Arts

(Current and Upcoming)

Clusters and Tailor-Made

Just as it has been for centuries, the world of diplomacy remains a staggeringly demanding place. Customarily, we expect its dwellers to display the brightest schooling, especially when they are to navigate through the ocean of cultures and mentalities.

Mastering the diplomatic profession (in any of its contemporary forms) will always be a journey towards perfection. François de Callières (1645-1717), one of the greatest diplomatists of the past, defined the final destination of this odyssey as becoming ‘the enlightened and assiduous negotiator‘.

To assist those who feel such a calling, the Kyiv School of Diplomatic Arts offers a number of its course clusters and tailor-made courses.


In this connection,
please, take a look at 

the List of Disciplines

we are teaching at the moment





available as of 

Fall 2024 – Summer 2025: 




Theory and Practice

The Different Styles of 

Diplomatic Writing

The Evolution of 

Diplomatic Theory

The History 

of International Relations 

and Diplomacy

Collective Identities

in International Relations and Diplomacy

Public Diplomacy:

Understanding the Worldviews of the Audiences Abroad

Intercultural Communication,

Cultural Differences,
and Diplomatic Protocol

Diplomacy and

the History of Civility, Manners, and Etiquette

Diplomatic History

of Eastern and East-Central Europe

Historical Narratives

in International Politics

Training Program for Future Professionals

in Public Diplomacy


The length and, correspondingly, the contents of each course-program vary depending on the needs of our trainees. The School’s catalogue raisonné includes both short and longer versions of the disciplines listed above, as well as their customized combinations.

While preparing the study agenda, we consider the level, the line of work, and the career stages of our attendees.

If you are interested in taking our courses for yourself or the employees of your organization, please contact us. We will be delighted to discuss all the issues pertaining to the content and the time frames of the training.



Post Scriptum 

Monsieur François de Callières,
sieur de Rochelay et de Gigny (1645-1717)
was cited from:
De Callières, François. On the Manner of Negotiating with Princes;
on the Uses of Diplomacy, the Choice of Ministers and Envoys,
and the Personal Qualities Necessary for Success in Missions Abroad
[Translated from the French by A.F. Whyte].
– New York, Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1919,
p. 12.


Inter Alia:

The title page of the 1750 edition of
‘De la manière de négocier avec les souverains,
de l’utilité des négociations, du choix des ambassadeurs et des envoyez,
et des qualitez nécessaires pour reüssir dans ces employs’
(On the Manner of Negotiating with Princes;
on the Uses of Diplomacy, the Choice of Ministers and Envoys,
and the Personal Qualities Necessary for Success
in Missions Abroad)
by Francois de Collieres.

The first (1716) edition
of this classic work on Diplomacy
may be found and read

To enjoy the first English translation
(of the same year)
please follow
this link.